Tips for Therapists Transitioning to Remote Work

We’re so excited you’ve decided to make the switch from traditional therapy to teletherapy. Teletherapy allows you to reach more children in need and make a difference in their lives. It also allows you to focus on what your students truly need without distractions of sitting in traffic, navigating a new school, or dealing with pandemic-related struggles.
This transition does not have to be tough, and can actually be quite fun if you allow it to be. Just follow these tips for therapists transitioning to remote work.
Invest in the right software. This doesn’t include much, and can typically be written off (just check in with your accountant or a tax expert). You’ll need a computer with a webcam, reliable home internet, and a headset with a microphone.
Set up your workstation. Find a calming, quiet place that’s comfortable to not only you, but also to your students. Test out the view of your space from your webcam and consider even the small details such as lighting and movement. Are you in front of a window that may be distracting to your students? Do you have reliable lighting that will allow your students to see you clearly at any time of day?
Eliminate distractions. If you have roommates or family members at home during your work hours, set expectations now. Perhaps this means setting specific hours to check in with them or placing a sign on your door when you’re in session. Having conversations now will help eliminate those distractions later.
Keep to a set schedule. This is one of the number-one adjustments that therapists transitioning to teletherapy need to make. For some, working from home seems like a vacation, while it can be a bit tough to navigate to others. Setting a schedule will help no matter which camp you find yourself in. Even though you’re in the comfort of your home, set a normal wakeup time and bedtime (and follow this as closely as you can each day to create consistency!), set your workday start hours and end hours, and give yourself consistent times for lunch, breaks, and anything else you want to prioritize (such as checking in with your family). The goal is to make your workday feel as normal and consistent as possible.
Gather resources and find a community. If you’re a VocoVision teletherapist, you’re in luck! Our toolkit is full of resources for you to use as you get started, and you have access to seasoned teletherapists who are eager to share their knowledge and lessons they’ve learned over the years. If you’re not a VocoVision client, you can browse our open positions here in order to take advantage of these benefits.