The Happy Child Index: Best States for Happy & Healthy Kids

VocoVision has released the Happy Child Index, which ranks all 50 states on ten factors that impact children’s mental and physical health. The analysis found that Connecticut (1), Massachusetts (2), and New York (3) are the states with the happiest and healthiest child populations, while Mississippi (50) and South Carolina (49) have the least.

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The VocoVision Sleepy States Report

VocoVision is not just about providing teletherapy jobs; we’re on a mission to make a positive impact on the lives of children and families across the nation. We recognize that sufficient sleep is required for healthy brain development, especially during early childhood—yet scholarly research reveals that nearly 25% of typically developing children demonstrate sleep problems. (Mazzone et al., 2018).

For National Sleep Awareness Week from March 10 to 16, VocoVision is shining a spotlight on the critical importance of sleep for both children and parents with this report

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NASP 2024 Convention Takeaways

Each year The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) holds a conference that brings together practitioners from all over the country to enhance knowledge through interactive sessions, presentations, and networking opportunities. As a school psychologist, clinical manager, and advocate for virtual service delivery, I look forward to this conference every year. This year the conference was held in New Orleans, Louisiana from February 14th – 17th, only one day after the infamous “Fat Tuesday” celebration! My colleague Dr. Kathryn Steele and I not only attended the conference, but we also presented twice, supported the VocoVision booth in the exhibition hall, and made numerous connections with practitioners! I am excited to share with you all the meaningful and engaging new content we learned this year.

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Myths and Questions Associated with Dyslexia

Trends have the special ability to infiltrate and challenge existing ideas within our public institutions. Education, like most things, is not immune to the pervasiveness of trends. Today for example, if you find yourself standing in a circle of parents on a Friday afternoon in the school pickup line, chances are you will hear the word dyslexia bounce in and out of conversations like a lost shoe in a bouncy house. And before you have the chance to grab hold of it, you will notice that everyone has something to say about it. In this article, I will attempt to catch the shoe and get it back on the right foot. In other words, I will try to set straight some of the myths about dyslexia and shed some light on its origins.

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Insights from a School Psychologist

As a school psychologist myself, it is always great to hear from other school psychologists about their experiences and what drove them into a field that plays such a vital role in supporting the academic, social, and emotional needs of students. Recently, I had the privilege of interviewing Kylie Miller, a school psychologist and fellow clinical team member for VocoVision. In the interview, we discussed her background and professional journey and asked her what her advice is for other school psychologists interested in teletherapy.

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3 Things We Learned at NASP

The National Association of School Psychology (NASP) holds a conference each year that brings together psychologists and related specialists from all over the country. This year’s NASP conference was held in a convention center nestled between the snow-capped mountains of Denver, Colorado.  VocoVision had a booth in the exhibition hall, that was accompanied by the enthusiastic VocoVision team, including the three psychologists on our clinical team.

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What Do Remote School Psychologists Do?

A school psychologist is a vital member of a school community, however, not every school has a school psychologist. As students continue to navigate anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders that can negatively impact their well-being, academic progress, and future livelihood, school psychologists are more necessary than ever. The good news? Schools are determined to hire them!

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5 Tips for School Leaders Preparing for the Upcoming School Year

Across the country, school leaders are preparing for the upcoming school year with new approaches. The last few years have been nothing short of challenging for the education industry with unpredictable circumstances, and many schools going in and out of virtual learning settings. As leaders prepare for this year, here are a few tips for success: 

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How to Respond to Tragic Events

In recent years, we have witnessed several tragic events that have shaken our nation to the core. The seeming frequency of these tragedies, both in and out of schools, makes it almost impossible to escape the constant intake of post-tragedy images such as those we see on television and social media. In light of recent events, the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) warned the public to avoid the “dangers of intrusive or excessive coverage” of these events.

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Post Pandemic Teletherapy in Schools

With the disruptions caused by COVID-19 almost behind us, the use of teletherapy will remain a critical service delivery model for providing school psychology services. Learn more in our article written by School Psychologist Dr. Pedro Olvera.

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