Dysgraphia in Children: an OT’s View

As an Occupational Therapist, I not only see students with dysgraphia, but I am also the mom of twin boys that both deal with it on a daily basis. I noticed early in their development that both avoided puzzles, drawing/coloring, and writing but were amazing with tools and building with Legos. It was challenging for me to get them to participate in preschool skills development and I was concerned about how they would function as students as they grew.

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How to Differentiate Sensory from Behavior?

As an Occupational Therapist (OT) who provides assessments and interventions to children via telepractice, I get a lot of questions regarding how I can accomplish this with students who have a sensory processing disorder. When parents and teachers report student concerns such as: “squirming in their seat, squealing, flapping, being aggressive, wiggling and decreased focus”, the task becomes to differentiate between attention, behavior, and sensory needs.  OTs can address these concerns through teletherapy so that these students can succeed both academically and in their daily life skills. 

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Learning Through Play

Play is essential for learning at a young age. All of us learn through our early years of play that make learning easier as we age. The child who never engages in storytelling cannot develop their imagination and prepare themselves for excellent writing skills. The child who doesn’t sing and dance may have a harder time learning speech and remembering facts later on. Play has to be a part of a child’s day! You can use these techniques with your young patients during your sessions together and encourage parents to play with a purpose between sessions. Read More