SLP Testimonials

Teletherapy is a career that can create a meaningful impact on children all over the country. At VocoVision, we have a team of teletherapists that have different interests, come from different backgrounds, and all decided to land in teletherapy for different reasons, but their impact remains the same – they can help children reach their full potential from around the U.S.
Over the next few months, we will be sharing interviews from a few of our therapists to learn more about why they decided to make the transition to teletherapy and what they love most about their day-to-day. Today we are featuring Julie S. and Amy M.’s SLP stories.
Julie’s SLP Story:
How did you choose a career as an SLP?
Completely by mistake! I was transferring to my 4-year undergrad college with an associate degree in early childhood education. I knew I didn’t want to work in daycare, and I saw Speech Pathology on the application. I checked the SLP box, was accepted, and the rest is history.
What do you love the most about teletherapy?
Everything! I manage a chronic illness and telepractice makes this job much easier for me.
What is your favorite part about your job?
As always, the children!
What are some of your goals in teletherapy?
I want to continue to expand my knowledge regarding testing virtually as well as developing and using interactive, engaging virtual activities for my students.
Amy’s SLP Story:
How did you choose a career as an SLP?
I owe it all to my mother. As a sophomore in college, I was determined to be a Kindergarten teacher. Being a teacher, my mother saw the burdens teachers face firsthand. She suggested many different career paths, but none interested me until she asked if I’d ever considered Speech Therapy. I didn’t think I’d ever heard of Speech Therapy until she reminded me about my younger self being taken to see someone in Pensacola and learning to talk more clearly. I was 15 when this took place, and even at that young age, I was impressed with how her speech improved. I changed my major and have never regretted that decision.
What do you love the most about teletherapy?
I love being able to work from anywhere I have an internet connection.
What is your favorite part about your job?
I love being able to fill a need without having to move to the area where that need exists. As you can see from the stories above, teletherapy is a career that combines passion and flexibility of work. The transition to teletherapy is easy! To learn more about the transition, click here, and if you’re ready to start browsing open positions, check out our slp teletherapy jobs!